Joining MUN is a good experience

Joining the Model United Nations has been a great experience for me. I learnt how to speak confidently in front of a large number of audiences. I learnt how to work as a team. I learnt about world crises. Even though it was a tough path to walk on, I still managed. This is my first time joining something like this and I’m glad I joined.

On top of the efforts everyone put in, our teachers also put a lot of late nights and efforts into helping us prepare for our big days. They were very persistent, and waited patiently until we understood what we needed to know. They used their spare time to help us, sometimes even giving up their eating time for us and I’m sure no other teachers are so eager to help us. They cheered us up when we thought we’d have no hope in getting into the next round and made us laugh occasionally. I’d be lying if I said I’m never joining MUN ever again because it really is a good experience and a chance to meet new friends.


陈逸熹 Celia Chen 

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