FOR Parents 家长专栏
Study Abroad

What is the IELTS requirement set by universities abroad?

What is the IELTS requirement set by universities abroad?

Take universities in UK for instance. Every university and college sets different requirement in IELTS. The University of Oxford requires student to get IELTS no less than 7 and the University of Cambridge requires students to get IELTS no less than 6.5. Other good universities require IELTS at 6.0 or more. As the IELTS training center is very popular in China, registered students can take the exam in every month according to current policy to reach the required score. The test result is valid in 2 years. English courses in our school also put focus on IELTS in order to help students pass IELTS. Therefore, we suggest parents arranging students’ time reasonably to take the IELTS in order to get satisfied result when students make application to universities.

上一条:If students can reach the age of 18, can s/he go to universities in UK? 下一条:What is IELTS?