精彩暑假 |我们在世界500强汇丰银行(HSBC)实习

发布者:管理员        发布时间:2016-07-27


这个暑假,深大师院国际高中组织G2和AS年级的Jarvis,Sunshine,Victoria,Karen,Candice,Lina,Carilina,Veronica,Jennifer和Andy 等同学参与汇丰银行(HSBC)为期两天的暑期实习,其中Victoria,Sunshine,Andy,Karen和Jarvis表现突出,得到特别表扬!他们都学了什么呢?一起来看看AS班Victoria的实习心得。

I attended the lecture held by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) on July 1st and 2nd, 2016. I would like to share the special experience and the feelings of involvement for those who are interested and willing to attend in the next activity. In general, it was a both relaxing and educating event and, for someone like me who are planning to be engaged in related industries, it is really worthwhile spending time to know something, such as basic knowledge and common academic life, that you may encounter in the future.

In terms of the schedule, on the first day, one of the bank's managers gave us a lecture to impart some basic knowledge, for example, how the investment programs like automatic investment plan (AIP) work and how some fundamental investment strategies like investment diversification are applied to the cases in reality.This was the part that intrigued me most. Before, I was only interested in the industry but never had a chance to know how it operates neither theoretically nor realistically. But after the lecture, I had a much clearer concept of all and even had the temptation to use the knowledge to apply to the real-worldcases immediately.

The chance of practice came on the next day. We were informed to analyze a given case in groups and propose according investment suggestions based on the information of yesterday. It was really practical since every presenter would have the opportunity to have the comments of their performance from professionals in the bank individually, which best tested our absorption of the former knowledge. After the case study, there was a HSBC manager who used to study in British universities sharing the experience about the application process, choice of majors and related job careers, which are really helpful since we may walk through the same path academically and socially and this section gave us professional advices that are hardly to have from other places.

During the event, I have not only learned the theoretic knowledge of investment but also got to know the corporate culture of HSBC, which both attract me very much. Based on all above, I would highly recommend those who are of interest to come to attend other activities held by HSBC and I am really looking forward to the next event.


我们在申请大部分世界名校的时候,除了要提交GPA成绩、语言成绩等资料,还要提交个人陈述(personal statement)。众所周知,大学招生官每年都要阅读数以万计的申请材料,精彩的个人陈述也许能让招生官眼前一亮!从学生的活动经历,实习经历,志愿者经历等软实力可以很大程度上看出一个学生的个人素养,人生规划,思想深度以及性格特点。因此,活动背景对学生的申请起到重要的作用。同学们,趁着暑假大好时光,快行动起来!多多参与课外活动,为自己充电,丰富个人经历,积极展示自我吧!

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